Thursday, October 11, 2018

October 11th, 2018 Albie Observations 2018

Afternoon Bite Sucks!

On days when the morning through mid day bite is on fire (locally), and across on LI, the afternoon bite has consistently  been awful.  It is a miracle to find a couple of fish, let alone hook them.  Meanwhile during the day friends are reporting catches of 6-15 albies.

Albie Observations for 2018...

  • 9am-2pm is best when tide is moving
  • Slack high, or slack low shuts off bite completely
  • If you go fishing in afternoon/evening, consider yourself lucky to see 1-2 small pods
  • Color of lure does not matter
  • Consistent mild weather patterns produce best...ex. a few days of the same wind produce best
  • If the wind switches directions drastically the bite shuts off completely for that entire day
  • Light west or north wind is best. South Wind is ok if its not greater than 10mph.  EAST WIND SUCKS!!!
  • Bright sunny days are best.  Cloudy/rainy days are no good
  • If the waves and wind are greater that 10 mph and greater than 1-2' don't bother fishing
  • Move the boat only to close distance, don't run and gun
  • By the time you get to the pod you saw breaking they will be down, hope for a second feeding in the same area
  • Fluorocarbon size does not matter.  I have caught them on 12lb, my friend has caught them on 25lb
  • There have been many small pods of 1-5 fish where the fish are feeding over a large area
  • I have only seen 1 or 2 larger pods of 50 or more fish feeding together
  • The fish are staying near structure and running the shoreline in 3'-40' of water