I got a late start around 8:oo am because I knew high tide wasn't till about 8:30 so I took my time heading out. I had high hopes because I saw small bass and blues blitzing in the harbor and within casting distance of my slip. I even caught a small blue before leaving the dock. I motored out and checked all of my usual spots inside and outside of the islands for hours. I covered a lot of ground, never stopping in one spot for more than 20 mins. or so. I shot out to greens ledge, then meandered through the islands stopping many times to check for breaking fish. The only promising area was off the beach in Westport. I saw a few birds diving, but very little action. There was a fleet of boats anchored fishing for blackfish. On my way back in I saw multiple small blitzes of stripers and blues eating peanut bunker from 1-4". I quickly caught a couple. One thing that I can conclude about the albies this year is they are very temperamental. They are not staying on the CT side consistently. From what I understand it is more of a sure thing across the sound on LI. You just have to be willing to spend the time and gas. I later found out I left the area too early as there was a schoolie striper blitz in the area I was just fishing behind the islands. Hopefully this is an indication of what the fall is shaping up to look like.