Thursday, September 17, 2020

9.17.2020 Welp...Its been a while

 Welp, its been a while.  I have been pretty busy with home renovations, remote teaching, and I have not dedicated the time to keep up with reports...


Spring Run for Striped bass in June and July was sub par in my opinion.  I did notice that the normal evening bite, where the bass blow up on bunker schools was non existent for me, and for those that were able to cash in on it during the right week, it was sporadic.  Once I figured out the best success rate was in the morning this year, I began getting on fish.  I had a few days of 20-53#s hitting the deck.  BUT it was literally just a few days.  The action was EXTREMELY localized to a 1 mile radius.  

There was a definite lack of big blues this summer.  There was an occasional small bluefish caught here and there up to 5lbs at best.

Fall run is starting to heat up.  There have been blitzes of small bass, and blues as well as an unusual visitor; the Spanish mackerel.

At the time of writing this report (Sept 17th) there have not been any confirmed catch of Atlantic Bonito in Western Long Island Sound thus far.  There have been some sporadic reports that people have seen them jumping out of the water, however I think it is possible that it is a case of mistaken identity and the reports are actually Spanish mackerel, which are sometimes mistaken for bonito.