Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Updates for Striped Bass and Bluefish

"New regulations for 2020 season were set at the 78th annual meeting of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), with the approval of Addendum VI of the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped Bass.

Now anglers are limited to a one-fish bag limit and a 28- to 35-inch recreational slot limit, for ocean fisheries. Chesapeake Bay states must implement a 1 fish bag limit with a 18” minimum size limit. States have until May 2020 to decide on their own regulations through conservation equivalency, if they so choose.

Starting January 2021, all bait fishing for striped bass must be done using circle hooks. This requirement is mandatory, regardless of any conservation equivalency measures develop by individual states."
-Field & Stream via Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission


"Last week, fishery managers approved new regulations for the 2020 recreational bluefish fishery. These measures, which include a 3-fish bag limit for private anglers and a 5-fish bag limit for for-hire fishermen, represent a substantial reduction compared to the federal 15-fish bag limit that has been in place since 2000."
-Onthe Water Magazine