Thursday, September 26, 2019
Fished hard all weekend, both days with my father in law, Brother in law and my wife's Uncle. We caught lots of small to schoolie sized stripers around the islands with lots of small blues mizedd in. We spent some time behind the islands looking for Bonito. We got lucky while cruising slowly a blitz popped up right in front of us. I hooked up on a topwater spook (the first rod I grabbed). I noticed, while reeling the fish in, that there were about a dozen more of his buddies following him. So I told the crew to just get their lure in the water near my fish. They all hooked up. Then they all lost their fish some how. Then they all hooked up again. Then they all lost them AGAIN. I don't understand why. We were traveling looking for albies when we came across lots of XL blues lazily finning on the water's surface. We had many hook ups which can be viewed here Finning Blues. One we had our filled we continued searching. We came across an area with a lot of life. There were small blues blitzing on the surface, adult bunker flapping on the surface, as well as frothing albie blitzs. At times it was very difficulty to differentiate between all of the surface action, because it was happening in a cery small concentrated area. We ended up hooking up with albies 2x. Both times the 15lb leader broke. I cannot understand why... Maybe it hit the tails of the other albies? I don't know. But I was really mad.