Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24, 2018 Still NO ALBIES...But More Optimistic

After hearing reports of albies as close as Milford, and Port Jefferson, NY on Saturday and Sunday I am much more optimistic about them just being late rather than not showing at all.  In fact the Eastern side of the state saw a significant influx in albies over the last few days which bodes well for us in Western sound, because usually after a few days of a strong Easterly blow and a full moon, traditionally the ablies should be headed our way, one can only hope.

When I went out Sunday morning I had hopes of covering a lot of ground based on the forecast of 5 mph winds, however I was met with significantly different conditions once I left the harbor.  Strong winds from the East of at least 10-15 mph and steady 2 footers with an occasional 3 footer mixed made traveling anywhere difficult on my boat.  I did see many birds diving for the plethora of bait stacked up off Westport.  There were even blues breaking on the surface which made for a very fall like mood.  The small blues almost tricked me into thinking the albies had arrived.  There was a fleet of boats all with the hard tails in mind circling the area, with little to show for their efforts.  Hopefully this is the week that we finally see some hard tail action!