Tuesday, May 12, 2020

05.08.2020 Trout Fishing with Lu

I had an amazing experience fishing with my first daughter Lucy.  We set out mid morning on the search for some stocked local trout.  The first few spots were duds, then we hit a spot that required a small hike.  Just long enough for it to ignite wonder in her to the point that she was noticing things in nature...like the flower pedals on the ground, the robin searching for worms, and the sparrow singing his song in the tree above us.  I felt good getting her out from behind the many screens that are too common at our house.  Once we found the fish, we started catching them one after another.  This was her first real experience catching fish.  We practiced casting a lot in the yard.  She has been on the boat a lot.  However, it never collided with actually catching a bunch of them.  She was surprisingly excited and interested.  She couldn't wait to help reel in.  She held the trout and safely released it and then hugged me and said "Thank you Daddy".  Best day ever.

05.03.2020 Local Bass by Shore

Night time casting sessions in April by shore can often be fruitful as the tide turns and the small baitfish and grass shrimp are swept down current into the mouths of waiting stripers.  We saw stripers sipping on the surface and caught a few here and there.  We put a lot of hours in with only a few bass to show for it.  We hit up about 5 spots locally on the dropping tide.

4.30.2020 Tying Up Some Flies

4.25.2020 Boat In..Schoolies in Harbor

4.16.2020 Local Bass by Shore

4.04.2020 Norwalk Keeper Bass by Shore

3.27.2020 Trout Fishing Fairfield County River